Home » These Fleeting Moments LEAKED TODAY-@DOWNLOAD@

These Fleeting Moments LEAKED TODAY-@DOWNLOAD@

Looking to download These Fleeting Moments album online ? Released: Aug 12, 2016 , Black Tape for a Blue Girl launched Goth Rock album These Fleeting Moments.

Album has 13 Songs, 1 Hour 10 Minutes available to download or listen

Download here http://truemp3.club/?d=3272#figjamloops111718

Album songs list:
The Vastness of Life 17:41

Limitless 3:20

One Promised Love 4:29

Bike Shop/Absolute Zero 3:08

Affinity 3:12

Please Don't Go 3:56

Six Thirteen 4:43

Zug Köln 4:08

Meditation On the Skeleton 9:46

Desert Rat-Kangaroo 3:08

She's Gone 4:02

She Ran So Far Away That She Can No Longer Be Found 4:26

You're Inside Me 4:06

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Warning Warning: by wearing your bracelet and loops you are saying that you're open for discussion or communication.

Social media are such an integral part of our lives, so we can't ignore it anymore. Instead of talking only via social networks over the internet, be bold and do it now through your Figjam bracelet and loops.

So, when someone comes up to ask about your loops, don't be shy - start talking!