Home » Listen Mad Season (Deluxe Version) download MP3 online album

Listen Mad Season (Deluxe Version) download MP3 online album

Looking to download Mad Season (Deluxe Version) album online ? Released: May 23, 2000 , Matchbox Twenty launched Pop album Mad Season (Deluxe Version).

Album has 17 Songs, 1 Hour 8 Minutes available to download or listen

Download here http://truemp3.club/?d=584#figjamloops111218

Album songs list:
Angry 3:45

Black & White People 3:45

Crutch 3:25

Last Beautiful Girl 4:03

If You're Gone 4:34

Mad Season 5:02

Rest Stop 4:29

The Burn 3:27

Bent 4:16

Bed of Lies 5:22

Leave 4:33

Stop 3:49

You Won't Be Mine 5:26

You Won't Be Mine (Orchestral Reprise) 2:04

You & I & I (Bonus Track) 3:28

Suffer Me (Bonus Track) 3:10

Never Going Back Again (Bonus Track) 3:47


After selling some 12 million copies of their first release, Yourself or Someone Like You, it’s surprising that Matchbox Twenty waited nearly four years before releasing their sophomore follow up, Mad Season. But as it turns out the gap didn’t hurt either their songwriting or their sales as this release went platinum many times over on the strength of these 13 radio-friendly tunes. Featuring catchy melodies, sharp riffs, and lots of big choruses, this album is a bit brighter and more dynamic than their guitar-crunching debut, with more keyboards and even some horns thrown in for texture. The real constant is Rob Thomas’ rich voice, which is truly the band’s calling card and the sound around which these songs, most of which Thomas wrote, are based. A consummate mainstream arena rock singer, he’s smooth in all the right spots on the ballads and husky and driving on the rockers, and he can belt out a tune without going overboard with contrived emotion. A solid collection of modern rock done well. This Deluxe Version contains four bonus tracks.
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